Deploy to Marimo Cloud

To deploy marimo notebooks and apps to production, with access controls, schedules, and more, you can use Marimo Cloud. Using Marimo Cloud, you can deploy either on our cloud servers or your own (we’ll bring the software).

Marimo Cloud is currently in beta: if you’d like access, email us at or book time on our calendar and we’ll onboard you very quickly.

Marimo Cloud

Marimo Cloud seamlessly augments local development on marimo notebooks with on-demand cloud resources for experimentation, batch processing, sharing, and deployment.

Today, marimo cloud has two main features:

  1. deploy marimo notebooks as interactive web apps internally or to the public, with access controls;

  2. collaborate on an unlimited number of WASM-powered marimo notebooks, with mounted storage and GitHub sync.

We have many more features planned for the near future, and big ideas on how Marimo Cloud can supercharge the entire lifecycle of working with and experimenting on data, from small workloads to very large ones as well.

Reach out to us!

If you’d like to get onboarded, learn more about our roadmap, or share ideas/feature requests of your own, reach out at or book time on our calendar.

Follow along!

To follow us on our journey: